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Sleep Position and Personality Type

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riskms / iStock /

What does your sleep position say about you? Although some may toss and turn between the sheets, everybody prefers a specific sleeping position. Body language plays a major role in understanding human behavior, but after several studies, researchers discovered a link between people’s favorite sleeping position and their personalities. Below are the six most common sleeping positions and the meaning behind those tired eyes.

The foetus position is a side lying position where the knees and elbows are bent. They appear tough on the outside, but inside they are sensitive to the heart and core. They maybe shy upon meeting, but warm up quickly to people and situations. They’re not as gruff as you may think. It is known that more men than women sleep in this position.

Log position is similar to foetus, where one sleeps on his or her side, with arms and legs extended along side the body. Log sleepers are social, easy-going individuals liking to be part of the cool crowd. However, they have a gullible side, which makes them trust people easily.

Yearners sleep in a similar position as the log, with the exception of the arms. The arms are bent at the elbow or tucked around the pillow. There maybe a soft C curve in the spine. Yearners are reserved individuals. They are open to new things and experiences, but are very suspicious, yet cynical people. Because of this they take a long time to make decisions, but stick firm to the decision they chose. They rarely hmm and haw or change their decision.

Starfish is lying face up, with legs straight but apart and arms overhead or on the pillow. These individuals are likable and make good friends. They are good listeners and give advice for those who need it. The usually do not prefer the limelight and hopes that someone else will take that position. This position contributes to snoring and poor sleep-related issues.

Soldier is a lying-face-up position with legs and arms straight, lying by the side of the body. These people are known as quiet, aloof and reserved. They often set high standards for themselves.

Freefallers lie on the stomach with arms on the pillow at a 90-degree angle. These individuals are gregarious yet brash. They are also aggressive, extroverted and thin skinned. Thus, they do not take criticism or intense situations are they are sensitive on the inside.

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