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Four Herbal Teas For Better Sleep

ValerianMost people will struggle with some form of insomnia over the course of their lives, and while many people can remedy their sleep problems with simple lifestyle adjustments, others need a bit of extra help. Herbal teas are a time-tested, natural method for curing insomnia and inducing sleep. The four teas listed below have been used for centuries to promote restful sleep and soothe anxiety. Almost every sleep-aid tea sold today includes some combination of the four herbs listed below. Each tea has slightly different properties, and some teas may interact with prescription drugs, so be sure to consult your doctor before initiating any long-term tea routines.

Valerian Tea
If you habitually get a full nights rest but still wake up feeling tired, valerian tea may be the sleep aid for you. Valerian is not often recommended for insomnia patients because it doesn’t directly induce sleep. Instead, valerian tea promotes a deep restful sleep. Valerian tea doesn’t always work instantly, so you may find that you need to drink it several nights in a row before you feel the effects. To avoid dependence, health professionals do not recommend long–term valerian use. Most people find that drinking the tea every night for a week has long-lasting positive benefits.

Kava Tea
This traditional Polynesian drink is often classified as an anti-anxiety herb and mild tranquilizer. Traditionally, Kava has been used to promote relaxation and mental clarity. Kava root can be ingested in many forms, but tea is one of the more common Western incarnations. To say Kava is also a potent sleep aid would be an understatement. A cup of strong kava can knock you out within an hour. You probably shouldn’t drink Kava if you plan on having a productive morning. However, if you want to feel like you woke up in a warm marshmallow nest full of puppies, then you may want to consider giving Kava a try.

Chamomile Tea
When most people think of sleepy-tea, they think of chamomile. Tea from the daisy-like chamomile plant has been used for centuries as a simple treatment for insomnia. Because chamomile is not quite as potent as kava, and because it functions a bit different from valerian, it is likely the most versatile tea on this list. A cup chamomile tea with a hint of lemon or honey before bed can do wonders to promote a restful sleep. Chamomile also calms muscle spasms, helps with diabetes, promotes healthy skin, soothes stomachaches, and may even reduce cancerous cells. Because chamomile is non-habit forming and has a wide range of other positive benefits, it is one of the most commonly used and recommended over-the-counter sleep aides.

Spearmint Tea
Spearmint is not often used as a stand-alone sleep-aid, although pure spearmint has been shown to promote calmness and reduce insomnia. Typically, spearmint is mixed with chamomile and lemongrass to boost flavor and to further aid sleep inducement.

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