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Bedtime Habits for People with Back Pain

TopPhotoImages / iStock /

TopPhotoImages / iStock /

Nearly 80% of Americans suffer from back pain. Whether the pain triggers in the upper or lower back, daily discomfort hinders the quality of life and possibly the sleep. People who suffer from chronic back pain maybe experiencing a combination of emotional and physical ailments, which produces pain in the spinal region. To relieve back pain it is ideal to incorporate some healthy bedtime habits so bodies and backs can rest comfortably at night.

Adjust Your Sleep Position
The number one way to avoid back pain during the night is to shift the sleep position. Stomach sleeping is the least ideal position for the spine and pelvis and should be avoided; it causes hyperextension in the spine, which keeps the spinal extensors contracted. The most ideal sleep position is to lie on the back or the side. Place a pillow under, or between, the legs to support the back.

Find a Supportive Mattress
Individuals with chronic pain should find a mattress that supports the back such as Memory Foam. Typically, most mattresses should be replaced every seven to 15 years. Soft mattress are not ideal as the body “sinks” into the mattress overnight, which makes it challenging to get out of bed in the morning. Select a firmer mattress or one that molds and supports the body.

Kick Up the Heat
Heat relaxes the muscles and calms the body to promote sleep. Hot baths or showers before bed promotes muscular relaxation and eases chronic pain. Another method is to use a heat pad for 10 to 15 minutes before bed.

Foam Roll and Stretch It Out
Tight, stiff, and dry muscles need internal moisture, which is achievable via foam rolling. Foam rolling is similar to a self-massage method to assist warmth and nutrient and blood flow to the aching region. Foam rolling the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes and mid back is ideal to alleviate the muscles connected to the lower back. Gentle stretching such as spinal twists and forward folds help alleviate the posterior muscle tightness.

Stay Calm
Many people do not realize that most chronic back pain cases are caused from stress or emotional distress. Stress and back pain are best friends, so what you do before bed is always important. Take the mind off the pain through reading, meditating or listening to relaxing music.

Write It Down
If you stay awake thinking about all your responsibilities, the worrying may contribute to the back pain. Write a list of everything you need to do the next day. Worry, fear, and fixation on stressful thoughts will connect to the pain and the mind needs to be free of weary thoughts.

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