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9 Books to Read Before Bed

Picking up a book, instead of the remote or cellphone, is a great way to start a good night’s sleep. But there is always the issue of finding the right book. Of course, everyone’s taste is different, but sometimes it helps to have a finger pointing you in the right direction. So from the easy-reads to good luck getting three pages before your eyes get heavy, here for you today are 10 books to consider reading before bed

Malcolm Gladwell’s, “OutliersA somewhat self-motivator, Malcolm Gladwell analyzes successful people, such as Bill Gates and The Beatles, and explains not what they’ve done, and but what circumstances allowed them to become successful. Using this blueprint, “Outliers’ is a good read for bed to get your ready to reach your potential in the morning.

Dr. Seuss CollectionWould you eat them in a box, would you eat them with a fox? However you prefer your Green Eggs and Ham, never forget some of the silliness and worthy writing put into all of Dr. Seuss’s books. I doubt there ever will be a day where “The Places You May Go” doesn’t ring a different bell every time you turn the pages.

Ernest Hemingway’s, “The Old Man and the Sea”Touted as one of the greatest works of short literature in American fiction history, the “Old Man and the Sea” is a brilliant novella set against the shores of an unforgiving sea. Follow Santiago out in his boat, as he tackles life and nature, and slowly drift off to sleep with your own interpretation of this story.

Aldo Leopold’s, A Sand County AlmanacA great book for every nature lover to fall asleep to, the “Sand County Almanac” follows Aldo Leopold around for a year in his residence in Sand County, Wisconsin. Albeit inspiring and a testament to preservation ideals, the messages come with the slow rhythms of nature herself, making for an informed but heavy on the eyes read.

Laphams QuarterlyPacked full of historical based, but extremely interesting essays, Laphams Quarterly is a great read to get your dose of culture before bedtime. New categories every quarter means you get to spice it up. From simple themes like comedy and animals, Laphams gives you something to read you’ll find nowhere else.

Roderick Nash’s, “Wilderness and the American Mind”An interesting account of the history behind how Americans have feared, conquered, and revered the wilderness since they first settled in Jamestown. From Pagan-like insecurities, to frontiersman and forestry, “Wilderness and the American Mind” highlights the big names in American Conservation and will have you wondering while drifting off to sleep, how America today sees the wilderness.

Brian Andreas’, “Story People”Brian Andreas has quite the collection of short poems with a lighthearted twist. Inspired from the parenting arena and modern day living, these one-page thoughts will give you that slight smile that’s always followed by a good mood to fall asleep to.

John Steinbeck’s, “The Grapes of Wrath”Perhaps one of the greatest American novels of the past century, “The Grapes of Wrath” follows the Joad family as they escape the pressures of depression on their drought-stricken farm in Oklahoma, and head west in search of opportunity in the sunny hills of California. This masterpiece will have you lost in times past before heading to dream world yourself.

Carl Sagan’s, “Cosmos”The book that started it all. For some, “Cosmos” will put them asleep, and for others it will transport them out of this world. Chances are, if you ever find yourself staring up into the stars, this book will do both for you. A heavy read, but every sentence you manage before your eyes get too heavy will fill your brain with the right material for the best dreams imaginable.

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