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6 New Years Resolutions that Will Help You Get More Sleep

Though some self-help professionals aren’t a fan of New Years resolutions, if made in a measurable and attainable fashion, the traditional goal setting done at the beginning of each year can be very effective for intentionally changing habits. That being said, what if one resolution could not only improve your life but also help you get more sleep? Better yet, what if 6 resolutions were sure-fire ways to help you rest better in 2014? Read on and pick which resolution you’re gonna implement to sleep soundly and live better for the next 12 months.

Tone Down the Techno
Resolve to eliminate technology from your bedroom. Not only will this help you get more sleep but it can also improve your love life and help you to de-stress. Step One: Start a ritual where you leave laptops or cellphones in the living room or tucked away in your desk during the night. Typically use your cellphone as an alarm? Why not try a more old school approach that doesn’t tempt you into late night texting, such as a digital alarm with various soothing alarm tones.

Cut Back on the Brews
There may be a lot of reasons that his resolution is necessary for your self-improvement in 2014. Cutting back on alcohol can save you money, save your health, and, since alcohol is a sleep disruptor, sticking to one or two drinks a week can ensure that you stay rested. Step One: Limit yourself to one drink per evening or to only indulging on the weekends.

Eat More Sleep Promoting Foods
Like our other resolutions, this one works on multiple levels. Foods such as bananas, yogurt, and jasmine tea can aid with sleep in various ways. They are also healthy alternatives to sugars and processed fats that can disrupt your sleep cycle. Foods to Avoid: Chocolate, certain types of fish, highly processed foods and items that contain high-fructose corn syrup.

Move Your Body
Thousands of people resolve each year to lose weight, however this goal isn’t specific and doesn’t necessarily focus on increasing a person’s overall health. Instead, resolve to move your body more. Make this resolution specific by adding that you will be active for at least 20-30 minutes a day. Studies show that there is a very powerful positive correlation between sleep and working out, not to mention the immediate health benefits such as lowering blood pressure and stress levels.

Kick Procrastination
We all do it. With Facebook, Reddit, and TV shows like Game of Thrones and The Walking Dead, it’s easy to procrastinate on just about anything-housework, exercise, bills, you name it. However, when you make procrastination a habit, stress inevitably follows which upsets your sleep cycle and other physical cycles such as digestion. A Few Tricks: Humans function well with rewards and consequences, so if you finish all of the housework, reward yourself with an episode or two of your favorite sitcom but limit yourself and don’t spiral into an Orange is the New Black marathon. Need to book dentist appointments and get a work out in for the day? Get it done and then allow yourself one hour of internet surfing mindlessness.

Commune with Nature
Though there’s not a lot of hard science to back it up, it’s hard to deny the restorative power of being in nature. Many claim that it helps them to de-stress, unplug from our overly wired culture, and tap into to a higher power. To connect just before you go to sleep, try taking an evening walk around your block. Smell the trees and watch the lightning bugs dance. You can also sit on your porch and take in the senses of the evening. Have hiking trails nearby? Go for a relaxing moonlit hike with friends or a loved one.

Have a happy, restful, New Year!

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