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Weekend DIY Project: Quick Terrarium

A terrarium is a self-contained, mini ecosystem that can be easily created to attractively showcase plants and rocks in a variety of unique ways (if you make it big enough, you could even house the family iguana). The best part about terrariums is that anyone can make one–they are incredibly easy! In addition, materials are very easy to collect and can be inexpensive or totally free, if you have enough items on-hand. These mini-gardens make a great afternoon project for people of all ages and can last for a very long time with minimal maintenance.

First, take a look around your house for any sort of clear container. Glass vases, fish aquariums not being used, jars, old bottles or bowls are all items that can be adapted for this project. If you are working with children and unsure about the safety of using glass, consider using a plastic soda bottle, rinsed-out peanut butter container, or something similar to avoid the risk of cuts from broken glass.

For a simple terrarium, you will need some pebbles, some potting soil or sphagnum moss blend, activated charcoal (if the terrarium will be enclosed), and some plants. If you are working with children, add a little flourish, such as an action figure or trinket, which will also help them distinguish which terrarium they helped make. It can create an ‘enchanted garden’ scene that they will love.

Activated charcoal will help prevent mold from growing in a moist, enclosed terrarium environment. Choose plants carefully. Moisture-loving tropical plants tend to last the longest in terrarium environments due to the resistance to root rot. Many sites show succulents in terrariums, but they are very easy to over-water and don’t often last as long as other plants. If you are planning to create an alternative xeric-type plant display, it would be best to stay with an open design to allow it to dry out. Succulents and cacti work best in a sandy soil mix. Otherwise, stick with ferns, grasses, and moss, which are easy to find and maintain. Bromeliads and begonias can also work well, as long as you choose varieties that stay small. You can experiment with other plants to see what works best, too, which is part of the fun!

An afternoon walk in the woods or along a creek can give you a chance to gather some plants for your terrarium. This is especially fun with children, too! Grab some moss and ferns to start with, pick up some pebbles, and even small bits of wood or other interesting items that you can add to the display of your mini-garden. You can also find similar components at craft and outdoor stores if you are unable to find these items in your backyard or neighborhood.

Start by placing a 1 inch layer of activated charcoal in the bottom first, if you are going this route. If not, place your pebbles in the bottom of the container first, in a layer about 1-2 inches deep. This will help with drainage and prevent your terrarium soil from getting too soggy. Next add a layer of potting soil. This should take up about 1/3 to ½ of your container. You can mix some of the charcoal or other pebbles in with the soil, as well. Periodically press down on the soil to tamp out air pockets.

Place your largest plants in the terrarium next and arrange them so that they will have enough room to spread a bit as they grow. Add more soil and continue to press out the air pockets. Finally, add in some of your ‘filler’ plants, such as moss and any personal touches that you desire. You’re done!

Continued Care
A great advantage of a terrarium is that it is very low maintenance! Watering frequency depends on the plant types and whether or not your terrarium is fully enclosed. In any case, it’s best to under-water rather than over-water. A small spritz once or twice a week to keep things moist is best. Periodically trim any plants that begin to grow out of control. That’s about it! Take a terrarium to work for your desk or display it in a window at home. They also make thoughtful and economical gifts for the nature-lover in your life. Use your imagination and start this easy project today!

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