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How to Win the War Against Bedbugs

kosmos111 / iStock /

kosmos111 / iStock /

Nothing strikes fear into the heart of a homeowner (or renter) like hearing about bedbugs. Suddenly, your entire body feels itchy, you’re convinced that you see little critters scurrying around out of the corner of your eye… in other words, total chaotic insanity. Want to avoid having to wage a full on battle with these loathsome little creatures? Read on for a guide on the art of defeating bedbugs.

Know Your Enemy
Bedbugs are sneaky but if you take a few precautions, you may be able to keep them at bay. One of the most common ways to pick up bedbugs to spend time in a place already infested with them. These little devils like to hop on suitcases, bags, moving boxes, anything really, and travel with you to their next destination. Chances are that in major hotels, steps are taken to ensure that their facilities are clean and bug free, but it’s always worth double checking if you’re unsure. In places such as hostels and dorms, try to do some research ahead of time as they tend to be a bedbug paradise. An excellent resource is the Bedbug Registry, a public database that reports bedbug incidents around North America.

Spot Your Enemy
If you’re suspicious, it never hurts to run a bedbug check before settling into a new spot. The first place you should look is, unsurprisingly, the mattress. Strip back the sheets and check along the edges of the mattress for any signs of insect activity. Have a look at the bed frame itself, any upholstered furniture, bed linens, and any other place that might be hospitable to a bed bug.

Avoid Sneaky Surprises
Sometimes, bedbugs appear when we least expect it. While we’re not recommending that you become a hardcore germophobe, it does help to stay mindful of the fact that sometimes, it pays to keep clean. When bringing home that awesome chair you found at the flea market or unpacking the vintage clothing you scored for next to nothing, be sure to do a thorough inspection. Run pre-owned clothing through a hot wash cycle and follow up with intense heat from a dryer. In the case of used mattresses, avoidance is your best defense. It’s just not worth it.

Know the Signs
If you’re already on the lookout for signs of bedbugs, it’s easy to get carried away and start thinking that every itch is a sure indicator that you’ve been bitten. One of the key identifying factors when it comes to bedbug bites is the number. While mosquito and other insect bites tend to be isolated (as in, there’s only one in a certain spot on your body), bedbugs bites are often clustered, usually in groups of 3 or more. Many report the clusters of bites tend to follow an identifiable pattern, a horizontal path, for instance.

Engage in Battle
So despite all your best efforts, you suspect you’ve got bedbugs. Don’t panic, this can be fixed. First, confirm your fears. If you’ve suddenly got bites that weren’t there before and you notice dark spots on your mattress and bedding, there’s a good chance you’ve been hit. First, vacuum EVERYTHING. You need to stop the infestation from spreading as soon as possible. When emptying your vacuum, be sure to dispose of the contents in a sealed bag and get it out of your house ASAP.  Next, seal your mattress with a vinyl cover to starve them out. Bedbugs can go without food for a year so this cover will have to stay on your bed for some time. Throw all your bedding and clothing into the washer and run through the hottest cycle. Do the same with any other upholstered items in the vicinity.

Know When To Call For Backup
Pest control companies are well versed in the art of bedbug battle. They’re also incredibly well equipped to manage infestations and are likely to be able to get your situation under control as quickly as possible. Their services tend to be quite costly but are absolutely worth it, especially considering how fast bedbugs can spread. While vacuuming and laundering will help curtail the spread, only the pros can truly eradicate the bugs. Before calling for help, do a bit of research to ensure that you’re hiring the best of the best. Check reviews and ask for references because trust us, you only want to do this once.

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