Articles written by: Hope Gately

6 New Years Resolutions that Will Help You Get More Sleep

6 New Years Resolutions that Will Help You Get More Sleep

Though some self-help professionals aren’t a fan of New Years resolutions, if made in a measurable and attainable fashion, the traditional goal setting done at the beginning of each year can be very effective for intentionally changing habits. That being said, what if one resolution could not only improve your […]

Why Do Down Products Make Great Christmas Gifts?

Why Do Down Products Make Great Christmas Gifts?

In case you aren’t up on your insulating materials, down is essentially the feathers from geese or ducks that can be used in jackets, blankets, pillows, sleeping bags, and comforters to keep you warm and toasty. Why is down so effective? Because the way that it clusters traps warm air, […]

How Better Sleep is Your Ticket to Weight Loss

How Better Sleep is Your Ticket to Weight Loss

Most of us equate weight loss with spending hours sweating at the gym, running long distances or pumping iron, but what many don’t realize is that you can loose weight and maintain a healthy BMI merely by getting enough sleep. How is this possible? Forbes, the New York Times, and […]

How Do I Create a Comfortable Bed?

How Do I Create a Comfortable Bed?

A comfortable and cozy bed ranks right up there with comfy running shoes and your favorite pair of go-to jeans. The atmosphere that you create for and around your place of rest is not only essential to how well you sleep but also affects your attitudes and moods before you […]

4 Ways That Exercise Affects Your Sleep

4 Ways That Exercise Affects Your Sleep

If you’ve ever gone from working out moderately, perhaps 2 times a week, to an amped up intense schedule of 4 times a week, you may have noticed a change in your sleep patterns. Currently, researchers and scientists are in hot debate over how sleep affects exercise and vise-versa, with […]

Get Sleepy the Natural Way: Sleep Aids from Mother Nature

Get Sleepy the Natural Way: Sleep Aids from Mother Nature

Melatonin This hormone is naturally produced in your body and can be purchased in pill form. Typically, 3-5 milligrams is all you need for a restful nights sleep and, though not habit forming, it is best to only take this substance when it’s truly needed as it could (though there […]

6 Ways Technology Ambushes Your Sleep and What You Can Do About It

6 Ways Technology Ambushes Your Sleep and What You Can Do About It

Not only is it hard science that a good nights sleep is essential for our overall health and vitality, its common sense. However, many of us throw science and common sense out the window when it comes to our beloved technological devices. Gadgets like iPhones, laptops, video game consoles, and […]