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6 Tips for Healthful, Happy Napping


Vincent Garcia |

Vincent Garcia |

Naps…oh yea. We hated them as kids, and now as adults, we long for them. Getting a quick afternoon snooze in between crazy schedules can be beneficial to your health and productivity, but creating a proper routine is important to keep your internal clock ticking just right. Here are 6 crucial tips to know before cozying up under the covers.

Get a Routine
In our society naps are kind of seen as an indulgence, something from our past when we were toddlers—a childhood luxury. But that’s not so, and changing your mindset towards taking naps is the first step. According to Psychology Today, napping is a natural part of daily life in multiple cultures, even for more than 85% of other mammals. So in other words: it’s a good thing! And here’s why…

Naps are the Bee’s Knees
The health benefits are endless. Naps restore alertness and cognitive performance, sharpen motor skills, improve mood, help premenstrual symptoms, and kick fatigue to the curb.

Keep it Short and Sweet…
Ever take a nice, long two-hour nap and wake up feeling incredibly groggy and even more tired than before you went to sleep? It’s important to keep naps between 20-30 minutes long, which allows you to get enough rest without thrusting your brain and body into a deep sleep. Naps should be a quick, light rest to help out if you didn’t get enough Zzz’s the night before—too much and it’s going to make it difficult to get back up and get going.

Afternoon is Best for Snoozin’
If you are going to hit the hay during the day, the best time to indulge is usually mid-afternoon around 2pm-3pm. Around this time is when that dreadful post-lunch drowsiness kicks in, so a quick power nap will help zap you back to reality for the remainder of the day. Also, this is a good time to shoot for because it is far away enough from nighttime that falling back asleep later won’t be an issue.

Choose a Proper Sleep Environment
I’m not talking about laying your head down on your hardwood desk at work or hiding out in your cramped car. Where you take a nap is just as important as the nap itself, because you don’t want a fitful sleep, nor do you want to wake up with an aching neck. Try to find a quiet, dark place with no distractions and give yourself time to wake up so you are not rushed.

Say No to Coffee
Coffee rules the world, and in the midst of a hectic day, it seems logical to slurp down a steaming cup of joe. But, if you have the opportunity to take a quick nap, even if it’s just for 10 minutes, that is the best solution to getting your head back in the grind rather than turning to caffeine. Naps help bring the body and brain back to a stable energy level, while coffee, although it makes you feel more wired, decreases memory performance, making you prone to more mistakes in your daily tasks.

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