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6 Simple Ways to Go Green in Your Home

Going green in your home is not only great for saving money but it’s impertinent for a healthier environment and a happy you. There are so many little changes you can make to get the green ball rolling, and even though they might seem minute, these practices go a long way and make huge impact. Here are 6 simple ways to go green in your home.

Switch Your Light bulbs
Save money and energy by making one of the simplest switches in your home–switch our your lightbulbs. Ditch incandescent bulbs and opt for CFL’s instead. According to Lesley Chilcott, founder of Unscrew America, these bright guys use 80% less energy and last 10 to 15 times longer than incandescent bulbs. I’ll throw another simple energy saver that you probably got yelled at for all the time as a kid–turn off those darn lights when you leave!

A Full Freezer is a Happy Freezer
Start stocking up on those seasonal fruits and veggies and here’s a good reason to whip up a giant pot of your favorite stew, because when it comes to stocking up your freezer more is way better than less. With only a few items in your freezer it will have the tendency to run less efficiently. Also, when it comes to meal prep, make plenty of extras whether veggies, grain dishes or meat and then make it a goal to eat these leftovers all week so none go to waste.

Reserve Water
It feels nice to be efficient when it comes to washing dishes in the dishwasher or laundry, doing frequent small loads to keep clutter down. But, if you want to be efficient in saving energy then try doing the opposite. Wait till the dishwasher is completely full before hitting that ON button to save water. Same goes for laundry–wait till you have a big load to do and cut down on running wash cycles throughout the week.

Hot and Cold
When it comes to heating and cooling a home, things can get sticky with who likes what temperature, but if you are trying to save on energy and costs, here is what The Green Year author Jodi Helmer recommends: 68 degrees F. while you’re home and 55 degrees F. at night time. Sounds chilly, but adjust by throwing on a sweater or using an extra blanket at night. Turning down your water heater to 120 degrees F. is also essential for saving big.

Buy Local
Stock up your kitchen with fresh produce and groceries from local farms instead of shopping at big name market franchises. Not only does this practice support the local economy, but also you can know and feel confident about where your food is coming from and how it is produced. Don’t forget to bring along a cloth bag or two!

Become Power Strip Savvy
This is a biggie–plug any gadget with a digital read out or transformer box, such as computers, printers, DVD players, TV’s, etc. into a surge protector and shut it off when not in use. Making this simple adjustment in your home could save you up to 10% on your next energy bill.

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